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The group of companies under her management are in various business sectors of Mongolia including mining,mineral explorations, rehabilitation, construction and production of building materials consisting close to 1000+ employees. Monpolymet Group is recognized nationally for leading the industry’s standards for land rehabilitation by taking seriously the environmental responsibility of its mining activities holding the “Best Rehabilitating Company of the Year” award fourteen years in a row and listed as Forbes top 15 local group companies. With a vision to help build her country’s fundamental infrastructure, her latest accomplishment was implementing Mongolia’s first technologically advanced and environmentally friendly cement plant that set new quality standards for Mongolian construction sector. As a result, MonCement project was recognized as EBRD’s “the first project of Mongolia with Gender and Social action plans” in 2016 and “Environment & Social Best Practice – Sustainability award” in 2017.
She has been selected as the one of the leading entrepreneurs for Forbes 30 under 30 list and also as the first female entrepreneur representing Mongolia at EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women Asia-Pacific. Currently serving as Board director of American Chamber for Commerce, Business Council of Mongolia, a member of Who's Who of Professionals Historical Society, Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society and former Chapter chair of YPO Mongolia. As a mother of four, she’s a passionate supporter of women in business and children’s health through her family’s foundation to against poverty.
Монполимет Группын Гүйцэтгэх захирал байх хугацаандаа тэрээр Монгол улсдаа анх удаа хамгийн орчин үеийн техник технологитой, бүрэн автоматжсан, байгаль орчинд ээлтэй, импортыг орлох ЭКО цементийн үйлдвэрийн төсөл болох Монцемент үйлдвэрийн төслийг хэрэгжүүлсэн юм. Үүний дүнд Европын Сэргээн Босголт Хөгжлийн Банкнаас Монцемент төслийг 2016 онд “Жендэр ба нийгмийн үйл ажиллагааны төлөвлөгөөтэй Монголын анхны төсөл”, 2017 онд “Байгаль орчин, нийгмийн хариуцлагын шилдэг төсөл-Тогтвортой хөгжлийг хангагч” төслөөр тус тус шалгаруулав.
Тэрээр Форбес сэтгүүлийн 30-аас доош насны шилдэг 30 бизнеэс эрхлэгчдийн нэгээр сонгогдож, Ази Номхон далайн бүс нутагт Монгол улсыг төлөөлсөн анхны эмэгтэй болсон юм. Н. Мөнхнасан нь Монголын Бизнесийн зөвлөлийн ТУЗ, YPO, Who's Who of Professionals Historical Society, Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society зэрэг байгууллагуудын гишүүн юм. Дөрвөн хүүхдийн ээжийн хувьд тэрээр эмэгтэйчүүдийн хөдөлмөр эрхлэлт, хүүхдийн эрүүл мэнд, ядуурлын эсрэг төслүүдийг идэвхитэй дэмжигч нэгэн юм.
Тэрээр тус банкны Зүүн Азийн газарт Байгаль орчин хариуцсан Тэргүүлэх мэргэжилтнээр ажиллах хугацаандаа Улаанбаатар хотын агаарын чанарыг сайжруулах хөтөлбөр зэрэг бодлогын дэмжлэг, зээлийн санхүүжилтийн үйл ажиллагааг тэргүүлж байв. Ноён Рамачандран нь Ази болон Номхон далайн олон улс оронд бодлогын шинэтгэл хэрэгжүүлэх, санхүүжилтийн хүртээмжийг нэмэгдүүлэх, чадавхыг бэхжүүлэх төсөл хөтөлбөрүүдийг манлайлан ажилласан туршлагатай нэгэн. Тэрээр АНУ-ын Коллеж Парк хот дахь Мэрилэндийн Их сургуулийг Төрийн Удирдлагын магистрын зэрэгтэй, Энэтхэг Улсын Делигийн Эдийн Засгийн Их сургуулийг Хөгжлийн социологийн магистр зэрэгтэй төгссөн.
Азербайжаны иргэн ноён Руфат Алимарданов анх 1997 онд Олон Улсын Санхүүгийн Корпорацийн Вашингтон дахь оффист нэгдэж, үйлдвэрлэл, үйлчилгээ болон санхүүгийн зах зээлийн салбарыг хариуцан ажиллаж байв. Улмаар 2004 онд Москва дахь оффист томилогдон, Олон Улсын Санхүүгийн Корпорацийн Зүүн Европын бизнес хөгжлийн багийг удирдаж, үйлдвэрлэл, үйлчилгээ (улмаар хөдөө аж ахуйн бизнес), нефть, хий, уул уурхайн салбарын асуудлыг эрхэлж байжээ. 2011 онд Киев, 2017 онд Истанбулд томилогдон ажиллаж байсан ноён Алимарданов 2019 оноос ОУСК-ийн Монгол дахь үйл ажиллагааг тэргүүлэхээр Суурин төлөөлөгчөөр томилогдсон юм. ОУСК-аас өмнө тэрбээр Азербайжан, Орос, Туркт арилжааны банкны секторт, мөн АНУ-д харилцаа холбооны салбарт ажиллаж байсан туршлагатай.
LuAnn Piccard, PMP
PMI Board of Directors Chair
LuAnn Piccard, PMP, is the Chair of the Board of Directors of Project Management Institute. She served on the PMI Board from 2019 to 2021, and again from 2022 to the present.
Piccard is a professor and chair of the Project Management Department at the University of Alaska Anchorage, USA. In addition to her career in academia, Piccard has more than 20 years of experience in technology-sector project and portfolio management, including 10 years as a senior executive for Hewlett Packard, Agilent Technologies, and Advanced Energy Industries, where she led complex, profitable, and cross-functional businesses serving customers worldwide.
She is a regular speaker at events and conferences around the world and has served as a volunteer director for 11 non-profit boards, including 10 years as an officer and director for Habitat for Humanity of Anchorage.
Piccard holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Engineering, both from Stanford University, USA. She is a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt.
Pierre Le Manh, PMP
PMI President & CEO
Pierre Le Manh has been serving as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Project Management Institute since September 2022. A global executive with a multicultural background and experience in leading companies across multiple knowledge industries, he has a proven track record of delivering results and guiding organizations through complex transformations and globalization. He is passionate about leading teams to innovate with purpose and to create new ways of disseminating specialized knowledge, upskilling, and education.
Before joining PMI, Pierre led the preparation for the expansion into North America of Galileo Global Education, a leading global provider of higher education and education technology platforms, in which he is an investor.
Previously, he served as Chief Executive Officer for North America and as Global Deputy CEO at Ipsos, one of the world’s largest data, analytics, and insights companies. Pierre played a crucial role in transforming Ipsos from a primarily European-focused organization with $700 million in revenue in 2004, to a $2.5 billion global industry leader by 2021, and in growing the company to more than 18,000 employees operating in 90 countries, successively leading various regions and global business lines.
Earlier in his career, Pierre was the CEO of Consodata, a leader in first and third-party consumer data, precision, and digital marketing. He began his career at the consulting giant Accenture, subsequently serving as CFO of the performing arts nonprofit, Adami, CEO of digital publisher, Encyclopaedia Universalis, and CEO of CFL Holding, a family office with various assets in direct-to-consumer marketing services and the real estate industries.
Born and raised in France to a Vietnamese father and a French mother, Pierre has lived in several countries before settling in New York City in 2013. He is fluent in English, French, and Italian. His interests include traveling the world to visit his large family and friends, watching Paris Saint-Germain soccer games, and exploring Manhattan on his electric scooter. He has two sons who reside in Paris and London.
SoHyun Kang, CAPM, PMP
PMI Regional Managing Director, Asia Pacific
SoHyun Kang is the Regional Managing Director of PMI’s Asia Pacific region. SoHyun is responsible for growing markets and delivering positive values to individuals, organizations, and societies in the Asia Pacific region.
In 2014, she joined PMI to establish the PMI Asia Pacific office in Singapore. Since then, she has led teams for chapter engagement, volunteer development, corporate engagement, channel sales, marketing & communications, and events.
With close to 20 years of experience in professional association management, SoHyun previously led the development of regional growth strategies and implementations for growing communities of MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table) and ISPE (International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering) in the Asia Pacific region.
SoHyun holds a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics from Korea University and graduated executive program at the National University of Singapore. She is a certified PMP (Project Management Professional) and DASM (Disciplined Agile Scrum Master). SoHyun lives in Singapore with her husband and daughter.
Mr.Tumentsogt (Tumen) Tsevegmid currently serves as the President of the Project Management Institute (PMI) Mongolia Chapter, Board Chairman of the Business Council of Mongolia (BCM), and Board Member of the Future Energy Mongolian Hydrogen Council (FEMHC).
He is manager with 28 years of professional experience of working for public and private sectors, including serving as a CEO at Erdenes Mongol company - Mongolia’s largest sovereign wealth fund responsible for managing Government strategic mining assets, Board Director at the world class copper & gold asset - Oyu Tolgoi, team leader for investment lending projects at the World Bank - international financial institution, executive responsible for Mongolia operations at the global multinational company - General Electric, serving as a Commissioner at the Energy Regulatory Commission in Mongolia, managing and implementing projects with multiple clients and donors.
Mr.Tumentsogt has extensive experience in infrastructure sector and has been involved in developing Mongolia’s first grid connected - Salkhit wind park 50 MW; representing shareholders’ interests at the Oyu Tolgoi (OT) Board and dealing with complex issues of power supply, financing, construction of the OT underground mine, discussions with the Government on benefits sharing; managing and co-managing investment lending projects in renewables, power sector, water and contributing to analytical work and studies at the World Bank/IDA.
Mr.Tumentsogt holds Master of Sciences (MSc) degree in Electrical Engineering from Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Russia), and Master of Public Affairs (MPA) in Public Administration from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University (USA).
Mr.Tumentsogt is a reliable team player with strong communications skills, extensive network and connections at the different branches of the Government of Mongolia, business community and expat community in Mongolia, with passion for learning and strong sense of ethics and integrity. Key areas of expertise include project management, investment lending, project preparation, development and implementation, project finance, power sector regulation, regional energy cooperation, renewable energy, energy efficiency, urban infrastructure development, project social and environmental safeguards.
Dr. Danny Chung, PMP
PMI Region Advisor
Dr. Danny Chung is a seasoned executive with extensive experience in international business and technology leadership. He has held senior global roles at Chubb Life, AIG, Cathay Pacific, and Sun Life. His expertise includes global strategy, business transformation, mergers and acquisitions, and program management. Dr. Chung has been a long-term PMI volunteer with over two decades of experience in various countries and chapters. He is also a longtime friend of the PMI Mongolia Chapter, which he supported during its formation and early conferences.
Munkhtuya Tseveenbayar
Munkhtuya Tseveenbayar is a highly skilled Transformation and System Analyst with over 15 years of experience in Management and Business Transformation Consulting, working with leading organizations like Accenture, Deloitte, and Mongolian governmental entities. She specializes in System Analysis, Business Analysis, and Change Management, with significant contributions to international projects with UNDP, ADB, USAID, and WWF. Currently a Ph.D. candidate in Strategic Transformation, Munkhtuya Ts. is also a faculty member at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, teaching Digital Transformatation, Project Management and related subjects. Known for her strategic thinking, mentorship, and leadership, she actively engages in various advisory and mentorship roles, supporting women and youth in technology and resource sectors.
Prof. Dr. Kelvin WAN, PMP
EMBA Professor (in Practice)
City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Wan is a professional master-trainer and coach in IT/IS field. He has been providing live training and coaching services to more than 19,000 executives in last 25 years coming from US, UK, Middle East, Asia Pacific regions and. The average working experience of learners is 15 years.
Prof. Wan possesses a growth mindset. He demonstrated the continuous learning attitude of graduate that he set a very good example in front of our project professionals. He is the youngest Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) and graduate in the history of CityU (City University of Hong Kong, Global Top 50 university (QS2021 Ranking)).
Recently, during pandemic period, Kelvin organized a ground-breaking large-scale training over Zoom virtual platform. More than 3,500 working professionals attended with more than 30,000 PDU (Continuous Professional Development Unit) issued. It breaks the myth that soft-skill training could only be delivered in physical room by adopting high-touch technologies e.g. virtual break-out room, virtual white-board, virtual collaboration tools … etc. He is nominated to the Government’s Pandemic Innovation Award.
He is also a practitioning-scholar. His recent research paper about Soft Competence for project executives has been accepted by a renowned US forum and published on major search engines. This research results were particularly relevant for all project talent employment under the AI Era in coming decades.
Kelvin is an experienced project professional. He has been the Global Head of PMO in HSBC to roll out a multi-million USD learning projects to 78 countries world-wide
Prof. Wan set up his own training and consulting company in 2019 as the Chief Consultant and Global Master Trainer. In his current role, his main responsibilities are overseeing the working professionals upskilling, PMO-setup, talent management, capability assessment and curriculum development for the listed companies.
Roche Van Der Merwe
Roché leads the establishment of the MPDO at Rio Tinto Mongolia LLC and will be pivotal to building collaborative partnerships with the Studies and Oyu Tolgoi teams, maximising synergies across our OT growth projects.
Roché is currently working for the Defence Force in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) overseeing multiple projects to build capability within defence services. Roché brings a wealth of global experience in both greenfield and brownfield projects, with experience in mining, aviation, military, commercial, smelter and hydro-metallurgical projects.
Purevdulam Jamiyansuren
Purevdulam Jamiyansuren is a Chief Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at USAID-funded BEST Program implemented by Development Solutions NGO.
Purevdulam Jamiyansuren is a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Specialist with over 15 years of experience in private sector and international development, specializing in SME development, socio-economic research, and program evaluation.
Currently, as the Chief Monitoring and Evaluation Officer for the USAID-funded Business Excellence for Sustainability and Transparency (BEST) Program in
Mongolia, she leads strategic learning and impact evaluations, overseeing the program’s effectiveness across 12 rural provinces and Ulaanbaatar. Purevdulam J. has actively contributed to disseminating research findings through various platforms, including facilitating workshops and conferences to promote data-driven advocacy and to drive evidence-based decision-making and policy-making practices.
Munguntuya Otgonjargal, PMP
Munguntuya Otgonjargal is a program and project management professional with over 15 years of experience. She has a diverse practice in mining, urban development, placemaking and community building, and social sectors of Mongolia. She served as a board member for PMI Mongolia Chapter between 2016-2017 and has been an active member of PMI since 2015. Munguntuya is a Fulbright Fellow and a graduate of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a degree in urban and regional
planning and a certified Project Management Professional (PMP).
Takeshi Hayama, Ph.D., PMP, President of PMI Japan Chapter
Takeshi Hayama is the President, PMI Japan Chapter/ Technology Strategist, NTT DATA Group Corporation. He has been a member of the PMI Japan Chapter Board of Directors since 2006, earning the prestigious PMI Chapter Leadership Impact Award in 2023. With over 30 years at NTT DATA Corporation, he served as Vice President of Quality Assurance, championing governance and risk management for system development projects. He has also taught project management at the Tokyo Institute of Technology’s School of Computing for many years.
Davaadalai Tumendalai, Director, "Tavantolgoi Coal Terminal stock" project, Bodi International LLC.
Davaadalai Tumendalai possesses deep academic knowledge and extensive experience in project management, mechanical and electrical engineering, organizational management, human resources, advertising, marketing, business, and international business.
He is currently working as a director in charge of the "Tavantolgoi Coal Terminal stock" project at Bodi International LLC. Davaadalai has contributed to the social projects “Children and Smoke”, “Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 through Community Participation”, “Knowledge Products to Support Community
Livelihoods”, and “Systematic Research on Clean Air”, as well as to the engineering projects “Oyu Tolgoi Heat System Calculation Control and Improvement of Waste Storage Operations”, and “Sainshand Wind Turbine Park.”
Davaadalai T. earned his Master’s degree in Engineering and Management from the University of Queensland in 2017 and a Bachelor’s degree in Locomotive Engineering from the Russian Transport Engineering University in 2011.
Kazushio Hazama, PMP, Board Director, PMI® Japan Chapter
Mr. Kazushio Hazama is a certified Project management professional (PMP®) as well as a Certified Practitioner MSP® Axelos, Practitioner PRINCE2® Axelos5 and CSM®. He has been consistently involved in IT software project works for the insurance industry for over 30 years, and has been responsible for many system development projects, from planning to architecting new system development and project promotion management.
From 2015 to 2017, He has planned a large-scale SCRUM development project that also used a hybrid model of both SCRUM and waterfall, and led the project from start to finish development release. The scale of this project is Approximately 34 million USD in 19 months.
He is currently in charge of planning and implementation support for Japan Post Insurance's next-generation system as PMO. He is one of the directors in the PMI® Japan Chapter.
Ulziibadrakh Amgalan, Director of Data Management Division, Golomt Bank JSC
Ulziibadrakh Amgalan works as a Director of Data Management Division at Digital Transformation Department, Golomt Bank JSC.
He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering, Computer
Science from the Mongolian University of Science and Technology in 2013.
His work experiences include:
2013-2017 Software engineer of System Department, Information Technology Division of Golomt Bank
2017-2020 Senior engineer of System Department, Information Technology Division of Golomt Bank
2020-2021 Senior Data analyst, Data Architect of Data Management Department of Golomt Bank
Since 2024 Director of Data Management Division of Golomt Bank
Experience working on Projects:
2013 First in-house developed ERP system
2014 Finacle Core Banking system from Infosys
2015 Custodian Banking Solution (ICS/EIG)
2016 First in-house developed credit scoring system
2017 AML & FCDMS system from 3i-Onfo Tech
2018 DMBoK based data governance model – Defined resolution process of BI system issue and data models-based issues
2019 COBIT5 IT governance framework – Implemented following processes to level-3, including change management, incident management, problem management, capacity management
2022 Card Management system replacement – Managed to integrate ETL jobs to newly implementing card system, migrate all data models of BI reports from previous system to new system
2024 Automation of IFRS9 – Led the project team as Project Manager, designed high-level data architecture for the project.
Erdenebayar Sainjargal CEO, TESO Investment LLC
Erdenebayar Sainjargal brings extensive leadership experience to TESO Group, where he has successfully spearheaded the implementation of numerous innovative initiatives. He has overseen the introduction and management of new projects across various sectors, including technology, construction, and production.
As the head of TESO Investment, an investment group within TESO, Erdenebayar S. actively supports start-up and social projects, providing guidance and mentorship to emerging entrepreneurs and organizations.
Altantsetseg Buyanaa Head of PMO, Golomt Bank JSC
Altantsetseg B. is the Head of PMO at Digital Transformation Department of Golomt Bank JSC, since February 2024. She graduated with a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the School of Economics and Business (SEZIS) in 2017. Altantsetseg B has built a robust career in project management spanning over 15 years.
From 2007 to 2017, Altantsetseg B. served as a Project manager at IT Zone LLC, subsequently, she worked at Golomt Bank from 2017 to 2022, as a Project management specialist at PMO and then as a Business Analyst at the Strategy and Collaboration Department.
In 2022-2023, she worked as Director of the Project Management Department at Astvision LLC, then returned to Golomt Bank in February 2024.
From 2010 to 2015, Altantsetseg.B served as a project manager for software projects in government organizations, overseeing contract management and control.
In 2016-2017, she acted as a Project manager and Business analyst for the GreenERP
implementation project, responsible for implementing the organization's human resources, supply chain, contract, and CRM subsystems based on client requirements.
In 2022, Altantsetseg B. worked as a project manager for the Card System upgrade, leading international tender operations, contract management, project documentation, and team management."
Erdenebayar Sainjargal
CEO, TESO Investment LLC
Erdenebayar Sainjargal brings extensive leadership experience to TESO Group, where he has successfully spearheaded the implementation of numerous innovative initiatives. He has overseen the introduction and management of new projects across various sectors, including technology, construction, and production.
As the head of TESO Investment, an investment group within TESO, Erdenebayar S. actively supports start-up and social projects, providing guidance and mentorship to emerging entrepreneurs and organizations.
Uranchimeg Munkhbold, PMP, PBA
PM/SM, Chimege Systems LLC
Uranchimeg Munkhbold is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP®) and
Professional Business Analysis (PBA®) with over 7 years of experience in project management across banking, finance, and ICT sectors. She currently works as a Scrum Master at Chimege Systems LLC, where she leads software teams in developing AI and NLP-based digital products.
Previously she worked as an IT Business Analyst, PMO Expert, and Project Manager at XacBank LLC, as well as a Software Developer at Skytel LLC. Uranchimeg's background in software engineering combined with her expertise in business analysis and project management, allows her to effectively align stakeholder needs with technological solutions and implement efficient deliverables in IT projects that meet business goals.
She is passionate about promoting business analysis methodologies and is volunteering as an instructor for Business analysis online training at the PMI Mongolia Chapter.
Saruul Buyanjargal, CEO of Infinite Solutions LLC
Saruul Buaynjargal currently serves as the CEO of Infinite Solutions LLC and is a board member of Nest Education IS School."
He has approximately 20 years of experience working in information technology and startups.
Saruul Buyanjargal has worked on over 200 projects and more than 20 startups. He primarily worked on fintech sectors the USA, Japan, the Philippines, and Mongolia markets, collaborated with domestic banks and financial institutions and implemented over 10 successful fintech projects in Mongolia, such as Smart Bank and Social Pay, since 2011.
He continues to work with his team on how to successfully implement technology-based projects in the short and long term, with multinational and culturally diverse teams.
Saruul B. is a professional in system analysis, change analysis, and project management, with a focus on effectively managing stakeholder relationships.
Colin Murphy
Founding member of PMI Mongolia Chapter
Colin Murphy has extensive experience in the Information Technology (IT) industry, including 25 years of Project & Program Management experience. He was the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the PMI Mongolia Chapter when it was officially chartered in 2014. He has also served on the Board of Directors of PMI Queensland (Australia). For the past 15 years, Mr Murphy has worked extensively in the mining sector including a 4-year assignment at Oyu Tolgoi. Subsequently, he has held various roles and managed programs/projects at Rio Tinto, BHP and Roy Hill. Colin Murphy is passionate about sharing his skills and experience with the next generation of IT professionals, Project/Program Managers and Organizational Change Managers.
MENDBAYAR BUDEE Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Grant Portfolio Director at Mongolia Energy Governance Program, USAID Contractor Abt Associates Inc
Mendbayar Budee is Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Grant Portfolio Director at Mongolia Energy Governance Program, USAID Contractor Abt Associates Inc. She is experienced in monitoring, evaluation, project designing, transformational management, design thinking facilitation, organizational management analysis and Internal audit in various mining activities in public and development projects with WB, UNESCAP, UNDP, AUSAID and USAID. She credited with its contribution to the Responsible Mining Transformational framework of Mongolia and its benchmark evaluation which enabled leading mining companies to take a commitment to be responsible and increase stakeholder understanding in society.
She believed in providing project design experience and resource optimization is enabling organizations to bring collaboration through inclusiveness and an integrated approach. She graduated from the School of Foreign Service and Public Policy Master in National University of Mongolia and was honored to be one of the Young professionals among 50 female roles, who made a change in the mining sector.
Julien Lawrence
CEO of O2 Mining
Julien Lawrence founded and is presently leading a growing Mining Services business ( headquartered in HK and delivering projects across Asia. Julien is a qualified Mining Engineer graduating with first class honours from the University of Queensland and is a qualified Project Manager, completing a Masters degree in Engineering Science specializing in Project Management.
With more than 20 years of industry experience, Julien has worked in project development and operations throughout Australia and Asia across multiple commodities including gold and most base metals, iron ore, industrial minerals such as fluorspar and coal. Notable mine development projects with significant technical, leadership and/or project management contributions from Julien include working on projects in Australia, Mongolia, China, Philippines and Kazakhstan.
In addition to technical and or project management leadership, Julien often plays a key role in strategically positioning the businesses he works with for growth.
His strengths include building and leading successful organisations and project teams, project management and execution, strategic mine planning, project and business evaluation, contract management, construction and operations management, commodity marketing and business strategy.
Enkhbileg Gonchig, MBA, CPA, CPTA
Chief Finance Officer and PMO Director of APU Group company
Enkhbileg Gonchig has been working as Chief of Finance Officer at APU Group company since 2018. At the same time he is serving as a Board member of APU Dairy LLC and an Advisory Board member of PMI Mongolia Chapter. Enkhbileg G. is an experienced Chief Financial Officer, specializing in Digital Strategy, Business Intelligence BI, Enterprise Resource Planning ERP, Strategic & Financial Planning, Tax & Transfer Pricing Strategy and Management Accounting, and Project Management.
In 2022, a new Project Department was established to be responsible for the implementation of large and medium-level projects of the group, as well as to support medium and small projects in cross functions. Currently, Enkhbileg G. is leading this Project Department.
Enkhbileg G. was appointed in different prestigious positions like Head of Finance at APU Trade Company (2002-2006), Chief Financial Officer at Capital Group Company (2008 – 2009), Chief Operating Officer at APU Company (2012 – 2017) and Chief Executive Officer of APU Dairy LLC (2017 – 2018). He holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from La Trobe University, Australia, and completed the Executive Leadership Program at Oxford University in 2021.
Christine YAU
President of PMI Hong Kong Chapter
Christine Yau is the President of Project Management Institute Hong Kong Chapter (PMIHK) (2023 – 2025) and she has been volunteering at PMIHK since 2007. During her volunteer role at PMIHK, she has helped the chapter in various roles and responsibilities to provide services to the chapter members. She helped to establish the first special interest group, PMIHK IT Club for PMI HK Chapter in 2007, and also took on the Organizing Chair role for the first PMI Asia Pacific Congress in HK, held at Cyberport HK. She has also helped to develop a series of soft skills training programme offered by PMIHK to both members and non members.
Ms. Yau was the HKCS Council Member (2017 to 2023), with responsibilities in membership and talent cultivation. Christine was the Chairperson (2020-2024) of HKCS FACE, which is the first IT women club in Hong Kong established in 2015, with objectives To ATTRACT more FEMALE to choose ICT as their career; To CONNECT existing HKCS female members; and To provide opportunities to our female members to ENGAGE in Hong Kong ICT and HKCS activities. Christine was also appointed as one of the judges representing Hong Kong for Asia Pacific Information and Communications Technology Alliance (APICTA) Awards in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2023 with participants from around 15 to 20 competing members’ economies. Christine has been appointed as the Chairperson of the Departmental Advisory Committee (DAC) for Department of Computer Science of City University of Hong Kong from Jan 2023 to Dec 2025. Christine has been appointed as the Co-Opted member of Haven of Hope Hospital (HOHCS) and a member of HOHCS. The Secretary for Innovation and Technology has also appointed Christine Yau as a member of Innovation and Technology Fund Research Projects Assessment Panel (2021-2024) and Enterprise Support Scheme Assessment Panel (2021-2025).
She has held various roles at different companies including Head of Communication Industry, managing revenue & P&L of the industry; and Chief Technology Officer of LPS where she was in charge of new technology exploration, solution reviews, solution offerings, eco systems (partnership alliance) and strategy of the company. Prior to that, her last position at MTR was the acting Chief Information Officer at the MTR Corporations Ltd, HK. She was with PCCW Solutions for more than 15 years before joining MTR where her last position was Senior Vice President managing the revenue and P&L for the Public Industry. Apart from that, she has also held various roles during her career life, including Project Director, Programme Manager, Business Process Reengineering Manager, Database administrator, Analyst and Programmer. She was also involved in opening new regional market and helped the company to expand into South East Asia region.
Ms. Yau graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree major in Computer Science from The University of Melbourne, Australia; a Master in Information Technology Management degree from the University of Wollongong, Australia; an Executive Diploma in Finance & Corporate Accounting from HKU Space, and Master of Applied Business Research degree from Swiss Business School. She is currently a doctoral candidate of Doctor in Business Administration degree at Swiss Business School.