It is our immense pleasure to inform you that the annual international project management conference will take place virtually under the topic “Powering the Project Economy™” on September 24, 2021. This year, we are inviting the brightest thinkers and doers from around the world to gather for the first-ever hybrid (virtual and in-person) project management conference in Mongolia — a full day of inspiring talks, collaboration, connections, and commitments to meaningful action for a greater Mongolia.

What is the conference about?

  • In a word, dedication. Powering the Project Economy™ international conference signifies that you are serious about your project management career and your professional development. It provides you with access to valuable knowledge, keynote speeches from the brightest thinkers and doers, networks, and resources. It highlights your dedication to self and professional development, employers, colleagues, and stakeholders.
  • We aim to give project managers an exclusive insight into The Project Economy concept. Attendees of our conference will be able to strengthen their PMI Talent Triangle® by learning technical skills to turn ideas into reality, drive success in a world of change, gain knowledge to implement a business strategy using project management as a tool and will be inspired as project managers to take the lead and become the driving force behind development.
  • As part of PMI®’s commitment towards fighting COVID-19 and climate change, we are looking for ways to apply project, program, and portfolio management to help organizations and individuals to tackle these excruciating challenges. As such, this year’s “Powering the Project Economy” conference will have a theme of a) green recovery – crisis management, b) agile methodology – project business analysis, c) sustainable development.

What is NEW?

The Board of Directors of 2021-2022 is focusing on strengthening the conceptual understanding of C-level professionals, decision-makers as project management skills have become a competency of critical importance to businesses. The world pioneers believe that project management is not only a technical skill but a POWER SKILL of the 21st century. Thus far, we are introducing:

  • A new in-person panel discussion that is exclusively designed for C-level professionals and decision-makers from public and private sectors.
  • “Project Management in Mongolia” annual nation-level survey of project, program, and portfolio managers tracking the major trends in the industry. Globally, a gap between the demand for project management skills and the availability of talent continues to persist. The survey result will unveil some of the talent gaps in Mongolia, imaginative and scalable solutions that we will need to turn the tide on how we manage businesses and create a healthier and more equitable work environment for all.


  • Attending “Powering the Project Economy” conference: The day-long program includes four keynote sessions of deep-dive breakouts, exclusive C-level professionals panel discussion, plus a few surprises!
  • Online social networking: Join PMI Mongolia Chapter’s community in-person, on social media, and conference private social network. Interact with other attendees, changemakers, and new friends.
  • PMI Mongolia Chapter Live on-demand access: Revisit your favorite talks and sessions from the conference with the on-demand video archive.

Ticket sales will start from July 5, Monday, 2021 through PMI Mongolia Chapter’s official website, Whova, and Shoppy.mn, meanwhile, please click here to mark your calendar via PMI’s Events Calendar. If you would like to pre-order a ticket, please email administration@pmimongolia.mn.If you are interested or know someone who should be speaking at this monumental event, please complete this form. Given the volume of applications, we will only respond to submissions we would like to hear more about, but we do sincerely appreciate your interest in contributing to our community.

Our team will be sending out further information on the conference as we move forward.


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