We are delighted to announce distinguished Panelist Ms. Bolor Sainjargal of the Annual International Conference 2023 “YouthXcelerate: Strengthening The Future Project Managers”
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Ms. Bolor Sainjargal is a Chief Executive Officer at Teso Group. She is a lawyer, who graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Arts in Jurisprudence from the National University of Mongolia in 2016 and completed her master’s degree in Business Administration majoring in Financial Management from the University of Finance and Economics.
After her graduation, Ms.Bolor was involved in an internship program at Oyu Tolgoi LLC. Her career journey started working as a Legal Specialist at Legal Policy LLC (2016-2017) and afterward, she worked in several prestigious positions as a Legal Advisor at TESO Properties LLC (2017-2018), Board Secretary and Legal Advisor at TESO LLC (2018-2019) and Chief Executive Officer at TESO Corporation (since 2019-present).
As the CEO of Teso Group, her duties include developing high-quality business strategies and plans ensuring their alignment with short-term and long-term objectives, and overseeing all operations and business activities to ensure achieving the desired results, which are consistent with the overall strategy and mission of the corporation, making high-quality investment decisions to advance the business and increase profits, evaluation company’s financial, operational, and sales and marketing structures to plan for constant improvements and a continuous increase in operation’s efficiencies.
➡️When: 14 October 2023
➡️Location: MPM Event Hall
➡️Please order your tickets in advance online through the link:


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