Welcome to PROJECTED™ Podcast!

In this episode , Mr. Baasansuren, a Senior Officer of National Emergency Management Agency of Mongolia, was invited to speak with us about project risk management. He addresses that risk must be considered in the initiation phase and investing in risk will always mitigate the impact of uncertainty as well as reduce future risk of loss.

Guest speaker: Mr Baasansuren. D | Oct 14th 2019 | Soundcloud- 98.9 Business radio |

Successful Projects:

•ADB, “Strengthening community resilience to dzud and forest and steppe fires” project

•ADB, “Strengthening capacity on disaster risk assessment, risk insurance in Mongolia” project

•UNDP, “Strengthening Capacity for Disaster Risk Management and Coordination” project

It is our pleasure to introduce you Mongolia`s first-ever project management podcast PROJECTED™. The podcast episodes aim to share insight into international project management standard, emerging trends and awareness of practical experiences in Mongolia. We hope that PROJECTED™ delivers value to the future project management and inspire growing managers to the future success. All PROJECTED™ Podcast episodes are availabe for listen on Business Radio 98.9 SoundCloud page.


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