PMI Mongolia Chapter is thrilled to invite you to its next public event in 2023, the April Monthly Meeting. We are pleased to announce that we have invited Mr. Bat-Orgil Turbold, MBA & MPA, Initiator of Civic Initiative Project, as a Guest speaker for this meeting. He will present on the topic ‘’Mongolia-National Milestones 2.0.

Mr. Bat-Orgil is a lawyer, MBA & MPA, with more than 20 years of demonstrated working experience in the public, private, and development sectors. He started his professional career working as an officer of the Ministry of Justice in 1995. Mr. Bat-Orgil worked as a project officer and Project Manager of the World Bank Project implemented by the Ministry of Justice between 1996-2002.  Furthermore, he worked as a Senior officer and Head of the Geology and Mining Cadastral Department at the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia from 2007 to 2009, as well as he used to work as a Project Manager of the Nariin Sukhait Railway project implemented by MAK LLC, Director of the Department at Oyu Tolgoi LLC and as a Senior Consultant at the Dacheng Dentons Law firm. Mr. Bat-Orgil is an Initiator of the Civic Initiative Project.  Venue: Topaz Hall, Blue Sky Hotel &Tower

When: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm | 26 April 2023

Registration: RSVP required (Free of charge)

Registration link:



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